My Story

My Story

Hello, I’m Jack Bradley, and I am the founder and creator of the Jack Bradley Experiment and the game of TeeTag. I’m an 18-year-old senior in high school who lives in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago, IL. I play football and baseball for my school. Additionally, I am an avid chess player and compete on the chess team. 

I created the Jack Bradley Project because I wanted to create something fun and cool for a great cause. This project holds special value in my heart. Due to my past, I was intrinsically motivated to do this project to help others in a similar situation. This project means the world to me and I am excited to see where I can take it and how many people I can help.

My Story/Past


I have been blessed with a wonderful family around me. I have an 8-year-old brother (Matthew) and a 16-year-old sister (Jane) who’ve been by my side every step of the way.

My Mom was one of these people who would always see the bright side in every situation. She was positive, funny, and most importantly – selfless. I don’t know how she did it – helping with all the sports and activities my sister and I have been involved in, Physical Therapy and help for my special needs brother, going all out for the countless parties held within my family… the list is endless. She was indeed the best Mommy ever.

In August of 2017 (13 years old), my beautiful and amazing mother sat me down at her bedside to inform me that she had been diagnosed with Stage 4 Esophagus Cancer. She was my backbone; she was everything. All the prayers, sleepless nights by her side, and endless hugs weren’t enough to heal her. In February 2018, she gracefully passed away. 

Losing her at such a young age rocked my world. Still to this day, not a day goes by when I don’t think about her. I miss her. Even though there will always be a hole in my heart, I think she would be proud of the person I have become and what I am trying to do. She is my motivation.

Additionally, in April 2020, my Grandpa passed due to Covid-19. I was extremely close to him; he had taught me how to play chess from a young age and never failed to make me smile. He lived in the same town as me so thankfully, I got to see him frequently. He would sit in his wheelchair for hours upon hours telling me great stories about his life along with a few life lessons. He was a great mentor for me and someone I will always look up to. 

Lastly, I lost my Grandma (Grandpa’s Wife) in October of 2020 also to Covid-19. She was one of those people who gave constant love and always wanted to talk. She always spoke so positively and she always shined light on my day. Her favorite sport was basketball and she thought every player was Michael Jordan… she absolutely loved it. I miss those times but cherish the countless times together. Her smile and love will not be forgotten 🙂


I am not mentioning these devastating losses to create empathy and compassion for myself. It is more to show my motivation and drive behind the Jack Bradley Experiment. I understand how hard it can be to lose a parent, and I think we all understand the horrific consequences Covid-19 has had on all of us, especially with losing loved ones. I hope to shine a light through this dark storm. I want to help put a bandage on a giant wound. Specifically, I want to help kids who have lost a parent to Cancer by helping pay for their future education. I chose this demographic because I felt it to be very relevant but also aligns well with my own personal loss.

Additionally, I am trying to pay for my own college expenses and hopefully my sister Jane’s college expenses as well. 


The Jack Bradley Project & TeeTag is meant to be a fun, friendly game through t-shirts to relieve the severe consequences of Covid-19. I want everybody to enjoy and have fun with the process and help the cause. TeeTag is meant to be an inclusive, community-based project. I am so excited to be on this journey with you. Due to the potentially contagious, virus-like structure of TeeTag, one small act of generosity from you can lead to so much more. 

Thank you for your time.

Jack Bradley